Health Guide
Health Guide
Kızılay Healthcare

You can reach our health guide information that prepared by Kızılay Healthcare,

where useful information is compiled for you to lead you for a healthy and better life.

Kizilay Healthcare Obesity Treatment Center

With our academic staff and expert healthcare team, we make weight loss 'permanent' and bring you to a healthy life.

Curious About Birth Types

Childbirth is undoubtedly one of the most unique experiences in the life of the expectant mother. However, it may be better to enjoy a long 40-week process and to follow the pregnancy step by step for both your baby and your own health during this period and decide the way of childbirth type with your doctor.

More vitality with Ozon Therapy

Ozone therapy applied to support the treatment of various diseases; It helps people who have suffered from different diseases to get rid of the disease easily and to prevent the disease from recurring. At the same time, it attracts attention with the vitality effect it provides to the body.

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